BVS Performance Solutions Who We Are Description: A short video with a series of key employees at BVS Performance Solutions talking about what makes BVS special. Roy Karon, President: What's the purpose of BVS? I never think about it that way. Wow. Phyllis Simon, Chief Marketing Officer: And today's title? Oh my God. I don't know what my title it is. Clancy Champanois, Executive Editor: I've had people say, Clancy, what exactly is it that you do? And I have trouble, kind of, explaining that. Linsey Merkel, Senior VP, Customer Experience: Could you hear my dogs? Okay... Michael Sacks, Chief Revenue Officer: I forgot the question. Karen Vondracek, Chief Administration Officer: I can't think. I mean, it can only get better. Roy Karon, President: What BVS stands for is excellence. So, it's excellence in technical quality, but more importantly, excellence in content, which means excellence in training. Phyllis Simon, Chief Marketing Officer: Who are we? Over the top commitment to taking care of our customers. Michael Sacks, Chief Revenue Officer: It's about, basically, not making promises you can't keep. It's about honoring our commitments to our customers. It's about respect for peers and colleagues. Linsey Merkel, Senior VP, Customer Experience: To me, BVS is a company that cares about their staff and their employees as well as customers. Brandon Lackey, Chief Information Security Officer: You're not going to call BVS and not get a person. You're going to get someone that is knowledgeable and experienced in this field and in our platform. And we're going to resolve your issue. Phyllis Simon, Chief Marketing Officer: We do what we say we will do and then we do more. Clancy Champanois, Executive Editor: And a lot of the courses that we develop, and new courses, the new information we put out there are based directly on feedback that we get from customers. Darrell Dewese, Chief Information Officer: The thing that stands out is just the quality, and that's quality across many different facets in the company. Phyllis Simon, Chief Marketing Officer: And we're very, very fortunate to partner with some incredible financial institutions across the United States. Brandon Lackey, Chief Information Security Officer: There's really strong leadership here. There's truly some exciting stuff that we have that we're investing in. Clancy Champanois, Executive Editor: I think our team is extremely creative in the way that we try to present information and try to make it interesting. Kate Merchant, Chief Learning Officer: We will do what we need to do to make our customers have the best product and the best learning experience available. Phyllis Simon, Chief Marketing Officer: Banking is changing the way people bank is changing. The future holds whatever it will need to hold. We will go where we need to go. Michael Sacks, Chief Revenue Officer: I think we're going to grow exponentially when people see some of the things that we have coming, and I'm very excited about it. Roy Karon, President: At BVS, our commitment is to delivering the best quality to superior financial institutions.