BVS Performance Solutions Dynamic Learning – American Mogul Description: The video opens with two children playing video games, and slowly zooms out to a grid of people of different ages all playing games. The video then continues with screens from BVS Dynamic Learning and American Mogul. The video ends with the BVS Dynamic Learning logo and the phrase: Play, Learn, Win. Narrator: Believe it or not, there was a time when people thought only kids played games. Narrator: The fact is, almost everyone likes to play games, and games have become the vehicle of choice for learning. Narrator: Enter Dynamic Learning's American Mogul game. Narrator: The game that elevates financial services training to Rockstar status. Narrator: Goals, levels, rewards. Narrator: American Mogul has it all, including research behind it showing that participants in game-based learning actually learn and retain more. Cultivate a fun learning environment with American Mogul and enable staff to become American Mogul millionaires, or even billionaires. Narrator: American Mogul, only from BVS.