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Say goodbye to monotonous training.
Say hello to courseware that inspires.

Why choose boring when you can have a comprehensive video-based library that stands out from the crowd?

Games are in and BVS' American Mogul game-based learning not only increases interest in learning but also improves retention. Everyone wins when training is fun — and American Mogul makes training fun.

Easy to find courses by job function, category and/or topic. CustomTutor and MicroLearning designed to save time without sacrificing quality. Built-in LearningBites. Real world simulations.
We engage. Your learners retain.

Find all the great content you need when you need it.

  • Compliance courses include: Bank Secrecy (BSA) and Money Laundering (AML), Suspicious Activity, and so much more.
  • Security courses include: Information and Cyber-Security, Spear Phishing Awareness, Social Engineering, and so much more.
  • Sales and Service courses include: Effective Listening and Observation, LifeStage Financial Consulting, and so much more.
  • Product Knowledge courses include: The Certificate of Deposit, Cryptocurrency Basics, IRAs, and so much more.
  • Professional Development courses include: Leading Your Team Through Change, Overcoming Unconscious Bias, and so much more.
  • Human Resources courses include: Race and Ethnicity, Defining Gender Identity, Discussing Sexual Orientation, and so much more.
  • Lending courses include: Basics of Financial Statements, Consumer Lending, Commercial Loan Documentation, and so much more.
  • Financial Education for Staff courses include: How Interest Works, Account Ownership, Overdraft Protection, and so much more.

Build relationships for life with
LifeStage Financial Consulting

The ability to consult effectively with clients across different life stages is crucial for building strong and lasting financial relationships. The shift from a 'transactional' to a 'consultative' approach focuses on prioritizing relationships, understanding client needs, and providing proactive, personalized guidance. Assign the LSFC curriculum with the click of a button and
watch the lifetime value of your customers and members grow.

  • Fundamental courses include: Pre-teen and Teen, Nesting and Career, Retirement, and more.
  • Deposit & Payment courses include: Truth in Savings, Reg CC and Funds Availability, Senior Checking, and more.
  • Retail Credit courses include: Reg, B - The Equal Credit Opportunity Act, Retirement Plan Loans, and more.
  • Mortgage Credit courses include: Tax Deductible Loans, Buying a Home, Closing and Escrow, and more.
  • Managing the Customer and Member Experience courses include: LifeStage Consulting Skills, and more.
  • Trust courses include: Power of Attorney, Creating a Will, Estate Management, and more.
  • Small Business courses include: Understanding Cash Flow, Business Loan Options, Basics of Financial Statements, and more.
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Let us show you the differences.