There really is a difference in financial regulatory training. This may not matter if you're just checking a box — but checking a box won't motivate your learners and certainly won't satisfy examiners any more. With Dynamic Learning, you'll have the help you need to ensure that you not only meet — but exceed — regulatory standards.
Ideally, you want job-specific compliance training that:
Engages Learners
Measures Retention
Rewards Mastery
Game-based compliance training makes the difference.
Dynamic Learning game-based training with built-in remediation 1) identifies knowledge gaps, 2) delivers the correct information and then 3) tests again. Remediation is instrumental in ensuring compliance deficiencies are addressed and corrected promptly and helps mitigate financial risks
before they escalate into costly problems.
A multitude of studies show consistent results from game-based training:
Higher levels of motivation compared to those who learn through more traditional methods
Improved understanding of concepts
Better retention
Here's what you'll find under our hat:
BSA & AML among the 54 compliance job/role specific topics, delivered in a multitude of formats, including many under 20 minutes
In-house federal compliance support
Preset curriculums
No-programming customization
User-friendly Monarch LMS to manage it all
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